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Coke or Pepsi?  You, okay, I promised I’d tone down the flirting, Pepsi.

Books or Movies?  Books, yours.

Pool or Beach?  Beach

Dancing or Singing?  Dancing.  I can do a mean cha cha.

Rain or Sun?  Sun

Dogs or Cats?  Neither, allergies.

Inside or Outside?  Outside

Running or Swimming?  Swimming, I hate the treadmill.

Full Birth Name? Seth Ricardo Batista

Eye Color?  Hazel

Birthday?  February 28th

Boxers or Briefs? Come over here and find out.

Audrey or Marilyn?  Audrey

Kirk or Picard?  Picard

Football or Baseball?  Football, the Dolphins will be back.

Sexiest Part of a Woman?  I have to choose?  Okay, the butt.

Profession Other than HR?  Construction

Favorite Curse Word?  Fuck

Favorite Non-Curse Word?  Compassion

What Will God Say When You Reach Heaven?  Your family is inside waiting for you.

Seth Batista is twenty-seven years of age, stands six feet tall, weighs one eighty-five, is of Cuban decent complete with dark brown short hair, trimmed facial hair, hazel eyes and tattoos everywhere.

Seth: “Why are you sitting there blushing at me J.S.?” *Smiles wickedly. *

J.S.: “You just make me smile Batista, that’s all.”


Wow, could I come up with a dumber come back than that? I’m sitting in my home office at my desk with notebook in hand like a good little wanna be reporter while Seth sits in my grandmother’s old wingback rocking chair with his legs propped up on the ottoman.


Seth: “Well, you better get on with it, or I’m not going to be able to resist temptation much further and throw you on the bed and have my way with you finally.”


Oh, did I forget to mention my home office is also my bedroom and the bed is less than a few feet away from where we are at? Yeah, this could be dangerous.


J.S.: “I think you’re right, I better or I might let you.” *Winks back and smiles. *


Oh yeah, that definite last has him sitting up straighter.


J.S.: “So I’ll be asking each of you pretty much the same questions, beginning with, how do you like the series so far?”

Seth: “It’s definitely not your run of the mill rock star rogue romance series that’s for sure.” *Laughs while shaking his head. *

J.S.: “Care to elaborate?” *Smiles in return. *

Seth: “It’s been far from predictable, let’s just leave it at that.”

J.S.: “You’re going to insist on screwing with me throughout this entire interview, aren’t you?”

Seth: “Since you won’t let me screw you for real, yeah.”


As I shake my head, turning several shades of red, I ponder the next question carefully. Up until this last book, Reconciliation, I’ve made Seth pretty much the leader of the group as well as the calm in the midst of all the Heavy-Metal chaos. In book two, Resurrection, I put the man through his paces.


J.S.: “Your character’s development so far, happy or unenthusiastic about it?”

Seth: “Will my answer change the direction you’re heading?”

J.S.: “No”

Seth: “Then why ask?”

J.S.: “The readers might be curious as to what your thoughts are.”

Seth: “Guess I’m just surprised is all. Drake was predictable to do this to, but me? Yeah, threw me for a loop.”

J.S.: “Alcoholism is common in your industry, as well as drug addiction.”

Seth: “Well, then I guess my first answer needs to be amended a bit. Guess one of your characters had to be a foregone conclusion.”

J.S.: “Making you a widower was unpredictable.”

Seth: “True”


Not wanting to dwell on the subject of Elizabeth’s death, as the man faces that fact daily, I want to keep the conversation focused on the now and the future. I have to give this gorgeous front man credit, considering what I’ve put him through, he’s not harboring a grudge or ready to rip my head off like his best friend was in the beginning.


J.S.: “Besides Sister Maria Therese’s death, what in your opinion has been the most surprising thing to happen in this series so far?”

Seth: “Turning me into an alcoholic.”


His answer actually surprises me. I was anticipating either him pointing out Alex and John’s secret relationship, discovering Hiatt was bi-sexual, shooting one of them… fuck, the list is endless at this point.


J.S.: “I didn’t turn you into one, you always were.  You were just better at managing it in the beginning of all of this.”

Seth: “You asked, I answered.”


Yeah, maybe he is harboring a bit of a grudge, I can accept that.


J.S.: “Let’s bring some real life into this thing right now and get away from the books for a second. I’d be remised if I didn’t ask you what your take is on Gene Simmons comments about rock being murdered. What are your thoughts on it?”

Seth: “Wow, now you are getting predictable.” *rolls eyes*

J.S.: “Humor me. In my head, you are one of the best guitarists in the world, playing for its greatest Heavy-Metal band in its history. Why wouldn’t I want to know and perhaps my readers what you think about what he said if say, you were real?”

Seth: “Fair enough. He was right, it is being murdered. Look at the recent VMA Awards. Not one rock group was nominated, mentioned or awarded. The music industry has been focusing on crap one hit wonders who decide after just a few years in, they need a break. Rock? Heavy-Metal? It never gives up. It’s the truest form of expression and because of how different it’s always been, it will continue to be ignored but it doesn’t follow the pack like the other genre’s do.”

J.S.: “This question may surprise you, I’m not sure, but I’m curious. Let’s get back to the make-believe world now. If you and Drake ’s car hadn’t broken down in a little one stop light town in New Mexico, therefore, never discovering John Lucas or Hiatt Stevenson, would Hells Redemption be what it is today?”

Seth: “Now there’s an unpredictable question. Of course it wouldn’t be exactly what it is now, but I’m sure we would have eventually found a good bassist and drummer in L.A. I mean, there’s always a musician out there looking for a gig. I think your real question is, are there any regrets with running into those two?”

J.S.: “Okay.”

Seth: “No, none at all. A constant theme in your series J.S. I find intriguing is that you remind the reader there are no accidents in life. Everything happens for a reason. We may not understand certain things and wish a lot didn’t happen, but in the end, we need to trust that what’s put before us is meant to be there. John and Hiatt are my friends, and I couldn’t pick two better guys to perform with if I tried.”


I smirk because this is the Seth I know and love and attempt to convey to the reader all the time. He sees what I see, and can be the logic in all the chaos running around in my mind.


J.S.: “I know what I have in my head for your character’s future, but what do you want Seth?”


This question is harder to ask than I thought. Writers of multiple characters waver back and forth with what they want to do with a particular one all the time. Just when we think we have it figured out, put it in the outline…kaboom! It all goes to shit.  Somehow, someway, what ends up in the book isn’t what we envisioned because it was never meant to be. In my world? I call that the character taking me on a little adventure through looneyville.


Seth: “I hope you do what I want, it’s all I can hope for at this point.” dream…and make me a priest.” *beams from ear to ear and then starts laughing at my volcanic expression*

J.S.: “You are an insufferable ass.”

Seth: “And you will do what’s best for me and guide me down the path I should head. You’re my creator, I have to trust you.”

J.S.: “Thanks for sitting down with me tonight.”

Seth: “Thanks for not having me shot.”

J.S.: “That’s it, get out of my head!”

Seth: “I’ll see you in your dreams J.S.”

© 2018 Author J.S. Snow  


*This site is for entertainment purposes only and showcases the fictional Heavy-Metal band Hells Redemption featured in

  The Metal Prodigy Series by Author J.S. Snow

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