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Coke or Pepsi?  Is this a trick question?

Books or Movies?  Movies, anything but vampire films.

Pool or Beach?  Pool

Dancing or Singing?  Can’t dance to save my ass, singing.

Rain or Sun?  Rain, it’s soothing.

Dogs or Cats?  Cats, they can be assholes like me.

Inside or Outside?  Inside

Running or Swimming?  Running

Full Birth Name? Drake David Mitchell

Eye Color?  Hazel

Birthday?  April 1st, don’t even think about giving me shit.

Boxers or Briefs? Boxers, briefs are for little boys.

Audrey or Marilyn?  Audrey

Kirk or Picard?  Picard, Kirk annoyed the shit out of me.

Football or Baseball?  Baseball, big Cleveland Indians Fan

Sexiest Part of a Woman?  Their feet

Profession Other than HR?  Classic Car Restorer

Favorite Curse Word?  Motherfucker, it rolls right off the tongue

Favorite Non-Curse Word?  Determination

What Will God Say When You Reach Heaven?  Whoops, my bad.

Drake Mitchell is twenty-seven years of age, stands six feet tall, weighs one eighty, white skin with light brown short hair, sports facial hair, hazel eyes, tattoos, facial, body piercings and a tongue stud.

“I think this conversation is going to go a lot better than our last one, what do you think?” *Chuckles. *


Of course leave it up him to bring up our infamous “Coming to Jesus” conversation on board the HR Jet where he and I first proceeded to bite each other’s heads off, me giving him a verbal “what for” and then ending with me bawling in his arms like a complete girl. It’s not a memory I wish to dwell on.


J.S.: “You’ve been handing it all well Drake. I know you don’t like the burden of all of this, but I chose the right man for the job.”

Drake: “As this thing keeps going on, I can see your reasoning for choosing me.”


As I stare into his beautiful hazel eyes, I believe him. We’re both sitting on the outdoor terrace of the Ale House across the street from where I live. Now while this is not the ideal environment for an intimate conversation, it’s the middle of the week, early afternoon and relatively quiet. We practically have the place to ourselves to sit back and have a friendly conversation while we kick back a few cold ones.


J.S.: “So I’ll be asking each of you pretty much the same questions, beginning with, how do you like the series so far?”

Drake: *Laughs and nearly spits beer all over the table. *

J.S.: “What’s so funny?”

Drake: “You. Leave it up to you to ask your characters a question like that.”

J.S.: “And?”

Drake: “It’s been a wild ride J.S., however, you know me. I’m pretty self-absorbed, so while I’m supposed to pump your ego with an “Atta girl” right now, all who know me know how insecure I am, so I’m going to constantly worry what you have in store for me.”


It’s my turn to laugh, and he’s right. He’s too self-absorbed to stroke my ego about the series. The man is constantly in his head and I really am the only one who knows how insecure he is. Therefore, his answer is quite logical.


J.S.: “Your character’s development so far, happy or unenthusiastic about it?”

Drake: “Kind of confused truth be told.”

J.S.: “Oh, I can’t wait to hear this.”

Drake: “I mean, you had me being a complete self-serving asshole in the beginning of all of this, and now I’m turning into a nice guy. It’s a little weird.”

J.S.: “You’ve always been a nice guy.”

Drake: “In this last book, you have me giving away a shit ton of custom made cars. Oh, and let’s not forget the wheels I designed. I ’m just waiting for the moment where I read you’ve officially changed my name to Oprah.”

J.S.: *Throws head back and laughs. *

Drake: “I mean it. It’s like you have me going from one extreme to the other, it’s hard to keep up is all.”

J.S.: “I like being unpredictable.”

Drake: “With this series, you most certainly are.”


While of course he and I are both alluding to the subject of his new bromance with John Lucas, I feel the subject shouldn’t be approached. Their friendship is relatively new and I’d like to see it continue to grow organically.

I choose not to answer the question in his head about why he is so generous with giving away the things he has built because truth be told, his ego couldn’t take the blow. I want him happy right now, he deserves to be.


J.S.: “Besides Sister Maria Therese’s death, what in your opinion has been the most surprising thing to happen in this series so far?”

Drake: “The fact that absolutely no one in this entire thing is safe!”


Wow, talk about a surprising answer, I can’t wait for him to explain this one.


J.S.: “Alrighty then, what do you mean by that?” *Smiles broadly. *

Drake: “You have surprised me at every turn. Yes, your killing off not only a major character, but a beloved one threw me for a loop. Next, you have my band mate shot and then go after our security team’s dad, another beloved character. But at least you killed off that douche bag Kai Lambert, thank fuck for that.”


I can’t help that the evil side of me has to come out. I just love fucking with people’s heads.


J.S.: “Or did I?”

Drake: *Grows wide eyed and sits up straighter.* “You wouldn’t!”


I burst out laughing pointing at him knowing I got him good. Besides, he watches way too much Days of Our Lives and I know this. So making him think I’ll pull what those writers do often is part of the fun with this character.


Drake: “Damn it you are a pain in the ass sometimes.”

J.S.: “Okay, let’s bring some real life into this thing right now and get away from the series. I’d like to know what your take is on Gene Simmons comments about rock being murdered. What are your thoughts on it?”

Drake: “He’s right, it is.”

J.S.: “Oh please don’t leave it hanging like that, come on man.”

Drake: “I look at what’s happened to it since the eighties and nineties and am rather shocked how after all this time, with how many legends have been made, it still doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Arenas aren’t packed anymore; record sales are down and idiots like Justin Bieber actually stand beside my name on the Billboard Music charts. It’s bullshit. I can respect any genre of music, but ours works the hardest to get recognized. We have the most loyal fans with the greatest hearts and yet, zero respect. I think Gene is genuinely worried it won’t be around for much longer.”

J.S.: “This next question may surprise you, but I’m going to ask it and hope you keep an open mind about it. If you and Seth’s car hadn’t broken down in a little one stop light town in New Mexico, therefore, never discovering John Lucas or Hiatt Stevenson, would Hells Redemption be what it is today?”

Drake: “Not by a mile. Even before me and John’s reconciliation, like that play on words J.S.? Anyway, even before that, I always thought those two were damn good musicians and we’d be hard pressed to find better ones, even in Los Angeles. We maybe could have gotten away with sounding nearly the same, but it wouldn’t have been. They really are gifted musicians and we’re lucky to have them.”


His answer warms my heart truth be told. I know there are times when Hiatt drives him up a wall, and he and John’s relationship up until recently has been strained, so I’m glad he looks at his band mates with respect as gifted artists.


J.S.: “I know what I have in my head for your character’s future, but what do you want Drake?”

Drake: “To be with the love of my life forever, make killer rides and maybe me the most about this series. It was that, you having me fall in love.”

J.S.: “You look happy.”

Drake: “Thanks to you.”

J.S.: “Thanks for the beer, and the talk.”

Drake: “I think you should get this, business expense and all.”

J.S.: “No, you’re paying for it and will leave my head now. Goodbye Drake.”

Drake: “Later Author.”

© 2018 Author J.S. Snow  


*This site is for entertainment purposes only and showcases the fictional Heavy-Metal band Hells Redemption featured in

  The Metal Prodigy Series by Author J.S. Snow

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