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Coke or Pepsi?  Coke

Books or Movies?  Movies, anything but vampire movies.

Pool or Beach?  Beach, women everywhere, ja?

Dancing or Singing?  Singing

Rain or Sun?  Either are nice to make love under.

Dogs or Cats?  Dogs

Inside or Outside?  Outside

Running or Swimming?  Swimming

Full Birth Name?  Cole Wolfgang VonSnyder

Eye Color?  Blue

Birthday?  October 27th  

Boxers or Briefs? Boxers

Audrey or Marilyn?  Both

Kirk or Picard?  Kirk

Football or Baseball?  Baseball

Sexiest Part of a Woman?  Seriously?  All parts!

Profession Other than HR?  Dairy Famer

Favorite Curse Word?  Shit

Favorite Non-Curse Word?  Beautiful

What Will God Say When You Reach Heaven?  Thank you for worshipping the female body as I intended.

Cole VonSnyder is thirty-two years of age, stands six feet one inches tall, weighs one one-ninety, white skin with short blonde hair, blue eyes, tattoos and pierced ears.

As we enter the palatial home belonging to the band and now serving as their headquarters, I’m awe struck by how underplayed I’ve made this place in my books. It’s colossal and completely befitting the world’s greatest band. It is something you would see straight out of MTV Cribs.

As Hiatt encourages me to go with him to the kitchen to see what A.G. has cooking, I shake my head no at him and ask if I can look around for a while. He leaves me to my own devices and then I’m compelled to find a particular band member who I know is not happy with me at all.

Now the one goof I made in this series was not describing the house properly, especially when I mention the “downstairs” portion of the home where the basketball court resides as well as the band’s new studio. Florida homes do not have basements. We’re at sea level. Therefore, the HR home sits on a slight hill in its exclusive hard to get into Tampa neighborhood and the entrance to the home is up a crap ton of steps and on the second floor. When Alex is running down the steps to then go and leap into John’s arms? Yeah, it was a jaunt. When John was taking steps two at a time, no doubt a man on a mission? I should have moved that line to after he catches her outside and then said “again” as he carried her up the interior of the home’s steps.

So just know, whenever I’m mentioning them heading downstairs to the studio? They are actually going to the first floor of this huge home.

As I pull a Devin O’Brien and snoop around the place, something compels me to check out the new studio downstairs. Seeing the behind the scenes of what goes on to put an album together always fascinates me. However, I know the real reason happy with me at all right now and probably the last person he wants to see, but we have to do this.


Cole: “Well, there she is, welcome to Tampa Schatzi.” *Smiles kindly. *


He’s sitting in front of the mammoth programming board with its band of monitors reviewing recently recorded tracks. He’s alone and at this moment, looks isolated like he’s never been before. There’s a definite sadness to him I’m seeing and in turn it’s making my own enthusiasm take a nose dive.


J.S.: “Thanks. I was just taking a tour of the place. How do you like the new studio?”

Cole: “It’s beautiful, and been a nice place to work from. Thanks for the idea of having it built finally. *


As I take my seat, he smirks as he notices my discomfort.


Cole: “Schatzi relax ja? I’m not angry, nor do I hate you.”

J.S.: “Could have fooled me. You haven’t been talking to me at all Cole. Writing your parts in those final chapters in Reconciliation was tough. You left me hanging.”

Cole: “You want to do this? You want to do this right now?”


Okay, so we’re both a bit irritated with each other. Getting him to understand Devin’s plight right now is going to be an uphill battle. However, I’m not relenting. The two splitting was the right thing to do.


J.S.: “How can she possibly have a future with your or anyone for that fact if she doesn’t reconcile the past? Her story, along with several others is behind the book’s title.”

Cole: “That Frau Schläger is dead. He can’t hurt her.”

J.S.: “He doesn’t have to be alive in order to keep hurting her. He will always continue to be right here until she lets it go.” *Points to her own temple. *

Cole: “Ja, I told her this in Germany.”

J.S.: “And you did the right thing. You love her enough, so you let her go. You needed to. This is one journey she has to make on her own. She’s been ignoring what happened to her for too many years now, and if she doesn’t address these things, the consequences for the future could be severe Cole. You need to believe me.”

Cole: “Is it really so wrong to help her? Is it really so wrong that I want to hold her hand while she fixes these things?”

J.S.: “Only she can, but this journey has to be solitary. You’ll enable her too much.”

Cole: “It makes no sense Schatzi. You had me falling in love with her, and now you won’t let me help her.”

J.S.: “Until one chooses to help themselves, any attempts you make will be futile.”

Cole: “But why so soon? I thought you were going to leave this for my book when it comes out?”

J.S.: “Because I have other things in mind for it now.”

Cole: “Scheiße!”

J.S.: “Cole, you need to trust me; there are a lot bigger things in play here.”

Cole: “Like what?” *Glares angrily. *


I knew he was at a slow boil when I walked in, he’s pretty transparent in my eyes, always has been. However, I have never seen such pain and hurt in someone’s eyes like I am now. He’s just like the rest of the guys, loyal, hardworking, and loving and all have a hero complex. It’s truly pissing him off that he just has to blindly trust me at this point. Pondering it more, and while I don’t want to give a lot away, I decide to give him a peek into the future.


J.S.: “Ihre Kinder. Wie kann sie eine gute Mutter sein, um sie, wenn sie auf diese Weise über sich selbst fühlt?”


His eyes get wider and he sits up straighter. He starts to breathe rapidly with the shock of it all, and tears threaten to fall.


J.S.: “Cole, people hurt others because they are in pain themselves. It’s not just me you need to trust here. She knows in her heart what she wants, and she realizes she must finally do something about all the crap she’s been carrying around in her head her entire life.”

Cole: “You know this?”

J.S.: “I believe it. I believe all of us at one time were all born innocent with only the capability to love. What happens later and our subsequent behavior is learned or is a coping mechanism.”

Cole: “I just feel helpless J.S., out of control. I’ve never felt like this before.”

J.S.: “Yes you have, but she wasn’t the one.”


I hold his hand and empathize with him.


Cole: “Alright, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Just let her know I miss her ja?”

J.S.: “Nein, wissen Sie, ich muss diese Fahrt lassen.”

Cole: *Smiles and shakes his head. * “Alright, do you what you must. Danke for telling me all this, I know you have other questions. So ask me what you did the others.”


I send him an incredulous look for which he laughs at. However, he’s right. Despite his broken heart and my revealing way more than I planned, I do have other questions.


J.S.: “Okay, but I can pretty much assume this answer from you by now, but what the hell. How do you like the series so far?”

Cole: *Throws his head back in hysterical laughter. *

J.S.: “It’s what I asked the others!”

Cole: “Schatzi, you know I love how things are going ja? Why do you need to know?”

J.S.: “These interviews are to give special insight to each of my characters. So it’s not necessarily that I want to know, but they want to know.”

Cole: “It’s much unexpected how you have written things. You could have taken the easy way out, but you didn’t. Some things I wish you hadn’t, but I’m sure there is a reason behind everything you write ja?”


I nod my head in agreement, and while I should dread this next question, I’m actually quite intrigued by it.


J.S.: “Your character’s development so far, happy or unenthusiastic about it?”

Cole: *Beams at me. *


His charm typically comes out when he’s uncomfortable about something, it’s a defensive mechanism. Despite how confident I’ve made him in my books, he really is a bundle of nerves when it comes to women. He absorbs their “auras” if you will to derive strength from them and give him the courage to even approach them.

Okay, he’s just an overall full-time scoundrel and a complete cad.


J.S.: “Charm boy, don’t start with me. Just answer the question.”

Cole: “Minus the obvious, happy.”

J.S.: “Care to go into why?”

Cole: *Shakes his head slowly and assesses me up and down. *


I shouldn’t be surprised how mercurial he’s being at the moment; considering the intense conversation we just had about his future, I know what’s really on his mind must be a doozy. However, he’s forever the gentleman and this is his way of letting me off the hook.


J.S.: “Besides Sister Maria Therese’s death, what in your opinion has been the most surprising thing to happen in this series so far?”

Cole: “Everything ja? All of it. You haven’t done what’s been expected. I like it.”


Ah ha, charming and stubborn to the last.


J.S.: “Alright, now that I’ve made you a producer, I’d like to get your take is on Gene Simmons comments about rock being murdered. What are your thoughts on it?”

Cole: “Ja, he’s right, it is.”

J.S.: “Elaboration on the other questions I’m going to let go, but this one I’m going to be insistent on. Why?”

Cole: “The only thing in your books which has been unrealistic in my opinion has been Doc. You based his character on KISS’s manager in real life ja?”

J.S.: *Smiles. * “Yes, I did.”

Cole: “Okay then, that’s where you went wrong. Not every manager or musician has the Midas touch in this industry. Yes, while Gene did discover Van Halen, he discovered others who haven’t been as successful. He’s a marketing genius who capitalized on products with his band’s logo which has kept it self-sustaining for years. However, what he didn’t count on were the times changing the way they have. He thinks it should be as in the old days ja? Think about it Schatzi, he’s sixty-six years old ja? Back in his day, bands like his packed arenas, they don’t anymore. You sold merchandise to offset your low record sales and that’s not done anymore. Everything is electronic, I mean look at where we are. Most everything you see in this room is run by a computer. They didn’t have that in the old days. I think his opinion is that with all this technology rock should be dominating the industry and it’s not. While he can say anything and garner attention from it and possible respect, his gift for discovering the next greatest thing died long ago. This industry is tough. You’ve painted Doc’s character to be resistant to that, and just like Gene, he’s not.”

J.S.: “Wow, you really don’t like Doc, do you?”

Cole: “Now don’t get defensive, he’s a good guy, but you made him to be too much that’s all.”

J.S.: “Alright, I asked for your opinion and you gave it to me, thank you. Now, this next question may surprise you, but your answer above all others is what I really want here. If Seth and Drake’s car hadn’t broken down in a little one stop light town in New Mexico, therefore, never discovering John Lucas or Hiatt Stevenson, would Hells Redemption be what it is today?”

Cole: “Wow, interesting. Good question Schatzi, yes, and all because of destiny.”

J.S.: “Destiny?”

Cole: “You believe Alex and John were always destined to be together, right?”

J.S.: “Of course.”

Cole: “Same thing here. Break it down. No matter what, I would have been at that club doing dishes because I was homeless and out of money and options. Seth and Drake are extremely talented. They would have found a couple other musicians to fill in yes, but the same thing would have happened. Drake would have been on lead vocals; their harmony would have been off and I would have pointed it out when they came to the bar for a beer after their set. Drake in turn would have heard me, and there you go, I’m in Hells Redemption.”

J.S.: *Laughs* “So it was destiny you and Drake Mitchell would run into each other starting this whole thing?”

Cole: “Yes.”


Sitting back smiling, I have no doubt he believes it. The air of confidence he’s exuding is quite something. And he’s right; he still would have said something. Guess certain things are meant to be.


J.S.: “I know what I have in my head for your character’s future, but what do you want Cole?”

Cole: “Oh Schatzi, you know this answer ja? How about I answer for all of us?”

J.S.: “Okay.”

Cole: “Happiness. While you want your readers to think outside of the box and you as a writer don’t want to fit into the cookie cutter mold of most romance writers, I think you will be tempted to not give us the happily ever after. Resist it. Life can end on a happy note.”

J.S.: “Really that worried huh?”

Cole: “I know you’ve been through a lot this year and I’m sorry. He would have wanted you to stand by your vision, but he would have wanted you to have fun while doing it. What’s the point of living out your dream if it stresses you out? What’s the point of pursuing it if you can’t be happy with the outcome?”

J.S.: “You’re worried I’m going to turn into him.”

Cole: “Maybe.”

J.S.: “Okay, I need to digest this entire thing, so I’m going to leave you to your production duties. Congratulations by the way.”

Cole: “Thanks for thinking of this, I’m having fun. Oh, and Schatzi, one more thing?”

J.S.: “Yes my friend?”

Cole: “Give me and her a Grammy.” *Nods beaming from ear to ear.*

© 2018 Author J.S. Snow  


*This site is for entertainment purposes only and showcases the fictional Heavy-Metal band Hells Redemption featured in

  The Metal Prodigy Series by Author J.S. Snow

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